If you are considering investing in Longitude, these notes may help your decision.
The long term plan for this piece of musical theatre is to make it a staple of theatres across the world. The piece will appeal to audiences that enjoy an epic adventure story on the high seas, with a scientific angle, three-dimensional characters, big songs, with a family story at it’s heart. The piece is timeless and universal, so unlike popular trending pieces, should have a lifespan of 10-20 years. We anticipate the usual revenue streams: box office sales, merchandise, UK and international rights.
Longitude has to compete with large scale popular musicals on the west end and Broadway stages, but we think there is currently a gap in the market for these larger, timeless pieces. Perennials such Les Miserables and Wicked were joined post pandemic by the reliable classics such as My Fair Lady and Oaklhoma. The smaller gaps are being filled by works based on known properties such as Pretty Woman. Smaller theatres are having to take high risks on gimmicks, coming of age shows or those with limited short-term appeal. We believe there is space for new writing which will attract audiences interested in anything British, royal, eccentric, epic and heart-warming: Americans who watch The Crown and laughed at the King in Hamilton, for example, tourists in the west-end who want a reliable night of spectacle, audiences around the world who believe the British can still write great musicals.
Unlike many of its competitors who erupt onto the stage in haste, Longitude has had a long gestation, 6 years - with more to come, the result of which is a compassionate story, beautiful music and a timeless quality. The story has received mentorship and dramaturgy from John Sparks in LA and various other professionals in the UK, so we are comfortable that the storyline is solid. The dialogue, lyrics and music similarly have benefitted from industry feedback and steady-handed steering to get to this stage. Of course, it is impossible to predict what shows will be a success, but we have looked at the last 60 years of musical theatre shows that have made money, analysed the ingredients and done our best to ensure they are all in place.
We are still growing and learning but we have a solid creative team, a small but active Instagram and twitter following and are assembling a talented company of performers, all of whom have west end experience. There are no intellectual property rights concerns or issues, since the work is entirely original and the property of the writers comprising the creative team.
This musical is currently backed by private funds (Longitude Productions Ltd) and we are happy to move into full production ourselves. However, our funds are limited and since this is an epic story and needs to be told with on epic stage, we would welcome interest from reputable production companies looking for a new piece of musical theatre to invest in and develop. So do please get in touch.